Packaging - are you covered?
All companies that put packaged products on the market will be responsible for financing and organising the collection, sorting, and treatment of their packaging waste from the producer responsibility comes into force.
The principal rule is that the producer responsibility accrues to the company that first makes packaging or packaged product available on the Danish market.
If there is any doubt as to whether a company is covered, it is the Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) that, as the registration authority, can make the final decision on the producer responsibility.
A Danish established company can basically get the producer responsibility in 4 different ways:
- If the company produces packaging or packaged products in its own name or trademark (e.g. private label owner).
- If the company first places generic packaging on the Danish market (e.g. packaging manufacturer).
- If the company imports packaging or packaged products and puts it on the Danish market for the first time (e.g. importers and distributors).
- If the company offers packaging og packaged products to a micro-enterprise.
A foreign company can only get the producer responsibility in Denmark in one way:
- If the company sells directly to an end user in Denmark via distance selling (by means of distance contracts).
Below you can see the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's examples of when you as a company can become responsible for production and thus must register and report packaging quantities.
Examples of companies established in Denmark
Definition of micro-enterprise: Enterprises with less than 10 employees and an annual turnover of less than DKK 15 million.
As a micro-enterprise, you can only get the producer responsibility for packaging or prefilled packaging that you import to the Danish market. If you buy packaging in Denmark, it is your supplier who is responsible - even if the packaging is produced under your name or trademark.
If you buy packaging in Denmark
Your supplier has the producer responsibility even if the packaging is produced under your name or trademark.
This applies regardless of whether it is sales (primary), grouped (secondary), transport (tertiary), service, or primary production or recycled packaging.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example:
The Danish factory will be responsible for the service packaging when sold to the butcher shop (micro-enterprise) even if the packaging is produced under the butcher's brand.
The Danish factory will not be responsible for sales to the Delicatessen supermarket, since it is not a micro-enterprise and produces packaging under its own brand.
NOTE: If you as a microenterprise import packaging or prefilled packaging, you have the producer responsibility.
Do you manufacture generic packaging?
You have the producer responsibility as a manufacturer according to the executive order.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example:The Danish packaging factory will be responsible for the generic transport packaging (the pink one).
Do you manufacture packaging under the name or trademark of another company established in Denmark?
The other company has the producer responsibility as a manufacturer according to the executive order (unless it is a micro-enterprise - see below for sales to micro-enterprises).
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: Danish factory (product manufacturer of hair dryers) is responsible for the transport packaging (the pink box), as it is produced under their trademark:
NOTE: If you sell packaging to a micro-enterprise in Denmark
As a supplier, you have the producer responsibility. This applies regardless of whether it is sales (primary), grouped (secondary), transport (tertiary), service, or primary production or recycling packaging.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: The supplier is given responsibility for the sales packaging (the green one) as manufacturer according to the executive order:
Do you manufacture packaged products under your own name or trademark?
You have the producer responsibility as a manufacturer according to the executive order.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: The dairy is responsible since they produce filled packaging (milk) under their own name or trademark.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: The jam company is responsible for the jar, lid, and label, as they produce prefilled packaging (jam) under their own name or trademark:
Do you manufacture packaged products on behalf of others under their name or trademark?
They have the producer responsibility as a manufacturer according to the executive order.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: Retail/company is responsible since they have refilled packaging (milk) produced under their name or trademark.
Do you have packaging or packaged packaging manufactured under your own name or trademark?
You have the producer responsibility as a manufacturer according to the executive order (unless you are a micro-enterprise - see above "You are a micro-enterprise").
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: Delicatessen supermarket is responsible for the service packaging (the pink one), since it is produced under their trademark and Delicatessen supermarket is not a microenterprise:
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: Retail/company is responsible since they have refilled packaging (milk) produced under their name or trademark.
Do you import packaging or packaged products with a foreign company's name or trademark (e.g. agency or distributor)?
You have the producer responsibility as an importer or distributor according to the executive order.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: the Danish hair salon has the producer responsibility for the sales packaging (the green one), as they import prefilled packaging, which they are not the end user of.
Will you be the end-user of packaging or packaged products?
Your foreign supplier has the producer responsibility (by means of distance contracts directly to the end-user).
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: The Chinese factory has the producer responsibility for the transport packaging (the green ones), as the Danish Importer turns them into waste:
Examples of companies established outside Denmark
You have the producer responsibility (both household and commercial).
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: The German factory is responsible for the transport packaging (the pink one) because they make it available directly to the hairdressing salon, which turns it into waste and is thus the end user of the packaging.
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency's example: The Chinese factory is responsible for the transport packaging (the green ones) because they make them available directly to the Danish Importer, who turns them into waste and is therefore the end user of the packaging:
More information about the manufacturer definition
The manufacturer, importer or distributor who first makes packaging or refilled packaging available is the manufacturer, which means that:
- Anyone who manufactures or has transport, recycling, primary production or service packaging or packaged products manufactured in their own name or trademark has the producer responsibility. This means, for example, that if you manufacture or import transport packaging which is resold to companies that use it, you are responsible, unless you have manufactured the packaging in their name.
- Suppliers who offer transport, recycling, primary production, service, sales or grouped packaging to micro-enterprises (even if they are manufactured in the name of the micro-enterprise) have the producer responsibility. This means, for example, that if you manufacture service packaging for a micro-enterprise, you have the producer responsibility, even if you have manufactured the packaging in the name of the microenterprise.
- Companies established outside Denmark are granted the producer responsibility if they make packaging or packaged products available by means of distance contracts directly to end-users. This means, for example, that your foreign suppliers may be responsible for e.g. transport packaging if you repackage products and turn the transport packaging into waste.
Producer definition in executive order on packaging
Manufacturer: Any manufacturer, importer or distributor who, irrespective of the selling method used, including by means of distance contracts:
(a) is established in Denmark and makes transport packaging, reusable packaging, primary production packaging or service packaging available for the first time on the Danish market.
(b) is established in Denmark and makes filled packaging or packaging not referred to Article 1(a) available on the Danish market for the first time.
(c) is established in another EU Member State or in a third country and makes transport packaging, reusable packaging, primary production packaging, service packaging or filled packaging available directly to end-users on the Danish market for the first time by means of distance contracts.