Reporting of reusable packaging

Companies that have made reusable packaging available for the first time must register with the authorities (DPA) by 1 February 2025. DPA (Dansk Producentansvar) opens for registration of reusable packaging on 1 January 2025. If you are a member of VANA, you can handle this in the Member Portal (information and guides will be sent directly when we open). You can also register directly with DPA and choose VANA through DPA, and we will be notified automatically.
Reusable packaging is subject to reporting requirements the first time it is made available to undergo a number of trips or cycles by being refilled or reused for the same purpose.
Read more about what constitutes reusable packaging here.
What must be reported before 1 February 2025
Companies who make reusable packaging awailable on the Danish market must registered in DPA. This applies to companies that are already registered single-use packaging and companies that only make reusable packaging available on the market.
Go to the Member Portal to register
What must be reported before 1 June 2025 (pool reporting)
By 1 June 2025, actual volumes made available in the previous year must be reported. The reporting must be in kilograms broken down by the following material categories:
- cardboard
- paper
- ferrous metals
- aluminium
- glass
- plastics
- food and beverage cartons
- wood
- textile
- porcelain
- cork
- ceramics
- other.
The quantities of commercial packaging and household packaging must be reported in kilograms. In practical terms, this means that you need to give your best guess as to whether the packaging you put on the market ends up in household or commercial waste - that is, whether it ends up with a private consumer (B2C) or with a company (B2B). Read more about waste treatment of household and commercial waste here.
You must also state if you know whether the packaging should be sorted as residual waste or hazardous waste - for example pizza boxes (residual waste) or hairspray (hazardous waste).
Read more about sorting and collection requirements in Denmark here.
For packaging consisting of several materials that cannot be easily separated and do not belong to one of the mentioned material categories, you must report the total weight of the reusable packaging for the material that the packaging mainly consists of.
Administrative triviality limit
Companies that make available less than 8 tonnes of reusable packaging in a calendar year can choose to only report information on the weight of the total amount of reusable packaging made available in that calendar year, divided into household and commercial packaging respectively.