Stay updated with VANAs webinars

We hold webinars and open Q&A sessions on a regular basis, so you can stay updated on the producer responsibility for packaging.

Webinars with partners on data management and international compliance

VANA collaborates widely with relevant players throughout the value chain to create the best conditions to make sure you live up to your requirements under the producer responsibility - both in Denmark and internationally.At VANA, we handle the actual framework and operation of the producer responsibility in Denmark, and our partnerships give you the opportunity to choose a solution that fits into your particular business structure and systems if you need help with, e.g. data management or international compliance.
Read more about VANA's partnerships and what the different partners may offer here. 

Webinars with VANA's partners
VANA regularly holds webinars where relevant partners present their respective platforms and solutions to you.

Dates will be listed below, when new webinars are ready.

Open Q&A session for members: (max 15 participants)

Content: Producer responsibility raises many questions which we would like to help our members with. Therefore, we offer open Q&A sessions, where you can ask exactly what you need a dialogue about, while we all become wiser and inspired by each other’s questions. We refer to VANAs Competition Compliance Guidelines. 

We cannot guarantee that there will be a clear answer to everything since the Danish executive order still is in preparation. But we promise that we can help you

  • frame what we do not yet know and
  • guide you to where and when you can expect to gain more knowledge and
  • spar with you about how you prepare and behave until the legal framework for producer responsibility is fully in place.

Check the Danish page for dates and registration. 

If you would like a Q&A-session in English please contact us by mail: 

Introduction: The producer responsibility for packaging (open to all)

Content: You may have heard about the producer responsibility for packaging, but you need to understand what it is really about!

During this webinar, we will introduce you to the cornerstones of the producer responsibility:

  • what is the purpose and the overall framework is
  • In general, how it will affect you as a company
  • the role VANA plays and how we can help you.

Check the Danish page for dates and registration. 

Keep an eye on new dates

We regularly update our site with new dates and topics, so keep an eye on this page, or follow us on LinkedIN, where we continuously post new webinars.

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet. (Danish only)