Members of VANA

The members of VANA are among the largest players in the market. It offers a number of benefits to all our members; The more members we are in the producer responsibility organisation (PRO) when the producer responsibility comes into force in 2025, the lower the operating and administrative costs will be for everyone, and the greater VANA's bargaining power will be for the players throughout the value chain.

Do as the biggest companies - join VANA

Check out membership benefits here, and sign your company up here.

Below you will find a selection of VANA's members in alphabetical order.
Find a link to VANA's full list of members in the DPA-register at the bottom of the page.


Show you are a member - flash your logo!

The more members, the lower the costs for operation and administration will be for everyone, and the greater VANA's bargaining power with the players is throughout the packaging value chain.

Is your logo missing?

If you would like to display your logo on our webpage, send an email with the version of the logo (png- format) that you would like to display to

Your email functions as consent to the use of your logo, which you, of course, always can withdraw.

To see all members of VANA A/S: Select VANA A/S under collective scheme on the Danish Producer Responsibility website here.

News from VANA - in your inbox!

Sign up for VANA's newsletter and we wil keep you updated on the producer responsibility for packaging, important deadlines and everything that companies need to keep track of before the producer responsibility comes into force in October 2025!