
VANA collaborates widely with relevant players throughout the value chain to create the best conditions so that you can meet your obligations in connection with the producer responsibility - both in Denmark and internationally. At VANA, we handle the actual framework and operation of the producer responsibility in Denmark, and our partnerships give you the opportunity to choose a solution that fits in with your business structure and systems, if you need help with e.g. data management or international compliance.

Data handling and international compliance

The partnerships entered into between VANA and the respective players are not financially binding. The collaborations you may wish to enter into with a player for the purpose of handling and declaring your obligations in addition to VANA's services are thus an agreement exclusively between your company and the chosen player.

VANA wants to be able to offer integration for the reporting of  the members, including through partnerships. Through the partnerships, we ensure mutual knowledge sharing and sparring for the benefit of our members.

GS1 Denmark offers the GS1Trade Packaging data service, which helps to manage and to structure the packaging data to be reported. The data can be built around the individual product or in packaging systems if the same packaging is used for several of your products.

GS1 continuously updates GS1Trade Packaging in accordance with new requirements from the legislation, so that the service is future-proof.

GS1 Denmark offers a free starter kit, so you can get started mapping your packaging quantities and get ready for reporting in 2024. The starter kit includes a packaging calculation tool that makes it easy to get an overview of and to structure your packaging data. The tool can also help you obtain data from suppliers. Your data can subsequently be transferred to the GS1Trade Packaging system, which will be launched in summer 2024.

GS1 Denmark is part of the standardisation organisation GS1, which has offices in 116 countries and 50 years of experience in standardising data. Companies that already use GS1's product data exchange service may profit from transferring existing packaging data to GS1Trade Packaging.

Read more about GS1 Denmark's solution and download a free starter kit here.

Who is the solution aimed at?

Manufacturer-responsible companies that put packaged products on the Danish market and want a system to collect, structure and declare packaging data.

LORAX EPI is one of the leading suppliers in the  producer responsibility reporting, regulatory analysis and tailored consulting services for global environmental compliance. LORAX EPI helps companies navigate the increasing scope and complexity of EPR and taxes across different markets and sectors.

LORAX EPI's ENVI software™ enables you to generate mandatory and voluntary reports for several different producer responsibility and taxes, such as packaging, WEEE, battery, textile and plastics taxation. The solution can also handle cost analyses on recyclability and producer responsibility, and unique fee modeling dashboards to optimize producer responsibility compliance strategies.

LORAX EPI services include environmental consultancy, compliance software, knowledge service subscriptions.

Read more about LORAX EPI's service here Lorax EPI | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Who is this solution aimed at?

Larger companies operating internationally and having a wide range of different obligations associated with the producer responsibility, in both packaging and other areas of the producer responsibility.

Further, a smaller solution is offered adapted to companies with producer responsibility obligations operating in the Nordic market.

Recyda offers a sustainable packaging platform designed to allow companies to compare their packaging with the legal standards and various international reporting requirements. The platform also supports companies in preparing, managing and reporting their packaging data in a more streamlined and efficient way.

Recyda's software is particularly focused on helping companies comply with legal and design requirements, facilitate reporting for producer responsibility, recyclability assessment and optimisation.

Read more abour Recyda's services here.

Who is the solution aimed at?
Large and medium-sized companies covered by the producer responsibility obligations in several markets in the EU in need of a simple solution for data management and reporting.

With over two decades of experience in data management and expertise in environmental regulations across 195 countries, Valpak is a trusted partner. Valpak is recognised for its robust data solutions and cutting-edge tools, ensuring compliance with packaging waste legislation.

Valpak’s compliance support and reporting services are underpinned by a vast weights database, containing over 50 million SKUs with unique packaging metrics, supported by 125 data experts to ensure efficient and accurate operations.

Their customers typically achieve a minimum 30% increase in efficiency and cost savings.

Valpak’s services not only ensure compliance data accuracy but also offer valuable insights to help enhance packaging design and support broader Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

Read more about Valpak’s service here Valpak | LinkedIn | X

Who is this solution aimed at?

Businesses that need meet the requirements of the Danish Packaging EPR Regulations.

Businesses with a global presence that are obligated to comply with producer responsibility obligations in various markets across the world.

Varefakta can help you get control of your packaging data so that you are ready when the producer responsibility comes into force. With Varefakta's PIDe (Product Information Database for packaging = (emballage in DK), you are guaranteed a system that can collect and process packaging data from your suppliers on the products you put on the market.

PIDe can help you get ready to report when the producer responsibility comes into force in July 2025, but can also be used for the first reporting in 2024. Furthermore, you can use the data in PIDe for strategic decisions about optimising your packaging and requirements for your supplier.

The process of collecting data takes place through Varefakta's packaging specification form, where all relevant information needed in connection with reporting your packaging quantities is collected. Varefakta ensures that your data is structured and processed so that you are sure that the quantities are calculated correctly. When the figures are to be reported, simply enter your sales figures per product and your aggregated packaging quantities are calculated. The calculated values are then ready for reporting to VANA.

Read more about Varefakta's services here

Who is the solution aimed at?
Companies that put packaging on the Danish market who want a solution that makes it easy and simple to comply with the obligations under the producer responsibility on the Danish market.

Nordic sister organisations - collective schemes in the Nordic Region 

At VANA, we collaborate with the leading collective schemes throughout the Nordic region to share experiences and knowledge about extended producer responsibility across the Nordic borders.

Find more information about our Nordic co-operation and presentations of the individual collective schemes here, or click through to the respective collective schemes' website via the logo links below. 



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Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet. (Danish only)