
When joining VANA, there is a one-time payment of DKK 4,000 in start-up contributions (DKK 2,000 for companies below the triviality limit). In addition, there is a registration fee to Danish Producer Responsibility (DPA) of DKK 1,000 (DKK 500 for companies who are already registered in DPA), which is payed directly to DPA.

Before the producer responsibility comes into force, there can be an advance payment as well as a possible guarantee, depending on how the legislation is designed.
Read more about the status of the implementation of the producer responsibility here.

Price after the producer responsibility comes into force in 2025

When the producer responsibility enters into force, the total price will consist of:

  • payment for treatment of packaging waste (eco-mudulated)
  • annual contribution to VANA A/S of DKK 1,000/year (DKK 500 in 2025)
  • fees to the authorities for clean-up, awareness raising measures and reporting (not determined at the moment).

Use the 'VANA calculator' to get an estimate of the cost of handling your packaging waste from 2025. The prices in the calculator are qualified by COWI in October 2023, and therefore give a more realistic estimate of the prices you can expect in 2025.
Find the VANA calculator here

The calculation includes costs for collection and waste treatment from both domestic households and commercial businesses based on updated data from COWI and can therefore only be used as an estimate. The prices only cover waste management by fraction. The total price in 2025 will be divided for the fractions into household waste and commercial waste respectively, and will also depend on the criteria for the eco-modulated fees, the final agreements VANA enters into with waste handlers and includes administrative contributions to VANA and fees to Danish Producer Responsibility and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Read more about the financial consequences of the producer responsibility here.

VANA is a nonprofit organisation

Our mission is to be an ambitious and innovative PRO (producer responsibility organisation) that handles the extended producer responsibility for packaging in an environmentally, simple, and cost-effective way.

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet. (Danish only)