Tools, templates and guides

As a member of VANA you have access to a number of tools, templates and guides that make it easier for you to live up to your obligations in connection with the producer responsibility.

Here is a compiled overview of the tools, guides and templates that members have access to. Some are already in place and ready to use. The others will be developed as the legislation falls into place and thus the systems can be fully developed.

Awaiting legal framework:

  • Guide to data collection about your packaging for reporting in 2025 - in the making
  • Data points to support CSRD requirements (ESG) in relation to packaging waste management - coming

  • Publication of recycling data - coming

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet. (Danish only)