Single-use plastic products

It is not only packaging that is covered by the producer responsibility – you also have to pay for the costs of collection, clean-up and waste treatment for certain single-use plastic products. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency has sent a draft executive order on the extended producer responsibility for single-use plastic products for public consultation. See below which requirements appear from the draft.

Single use products:

  • food containers
  • wrapping bags and foils
  • beverage containers
  • cups for beverages
  • lightweight plastic carrier bags
  • wet wipes
  • balloons
  • filters for tobacco products.

VANA calls for harmonisation and guidance on single-use plastic products

Many companies are not only covered by the producer responsibility for packaging, but also by the producer responsibility for certain single-use plastic products. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive and uniform guidance from the authorities, which VANA's CEO, Marianne Roed Jakobsen, calls for in the consultation response.

Read more in the consultation draft, from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency here (Danish) and see VANA's consultation response here (Danish).

Marianne Roed Jakobsen emphasises that VANA supports the ambitions of the producer responsibility and looks forward to lifting it on behalf of our members – also for single-use plastic products.

However, there is a need for comprehensive and uniform guidance from the authorities since the legislation contains several different product categories, manufacturer definitions, fee types and deadlines, which works against a smooth implementation that achieves the desired environmental effects.

Registration of company and reporting of quantities

Producers who per 31 December 2024 market single-use plastic products, must be registered with Dansk Producentansvar (DPA) for each product category, no later than 17 December 2024.

Producers, who market single-use plastic products, must report marketed quantities to DPA for the first time, between 1 and 10 April 2025.

Thereafter, reports must be made quarterly, between 1 and 10 April, July, October and January for quantities marketed in the previous period.

If you are a member of VANA, you can do this in the Member Portal. More information will follow.

The obligation to pay has already come into force for tobacco filters. Read more about how to meet the obligation here: Single-use plastics - Tobacco product filters - Dansk Producentansvar.

VANA newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to know more about the producer responsibility for packaging and what your company needs to be ready with before 2025? Then we will keep you updated when there is news about producer responsibility and the deadlines you have to meet. (Danish only)